Northland Aquatic Facilities Plan

The purpose of this Strategy was to identify the current and future aquatic facility needs for Te Tai Tokerau. The development of this Strategy was a key recommendation from Kōkiri ai Te Waka Hourua; the regional play, active recreation and sport strategy which was developed in 2021. The Strategy included aquatic facilities that have community access or school pools.  

RSL worked closely with the three territorial authorities in the region and approached all schools in the region for input about their aquatics provision. 

The study found that the expected population growth in the Northland Region was likely to put increased demand pressures on aquatic facilities. At the same time, the Strategy revealed that the amount of community-accessible pool space in the region is below the recommended guidelines. The Strategy provided both Regional and Local-Level recommendations to enhance the provision and accessibility of aquatic facilities to residents of Te Tai Tokerau. 


Whangārei Indoor and Outdoor Courts Strategy


He rā ki tua